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Attendance and Absence

Every Day Counts!

At Wygate Park Academy, we firmly believe that openness and collaboration are the key to success.

We set a culture of high expectations for all of our school community and firmly believe that in order for children to achieve well they need to be in school.

We understand that there are a variety of scenarios that can affect a child's attendance, which is why our approach is built upon support, understanding and transparency. We will always look to engage with families to understand how we can help as a school and that, as families, you understand the full process beyond what we as a school manage and why discussions/presenting of evidence is required.

Together we can ensure that your child attends school and has the best possible start in their educational journey!

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The School Day

The school day starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.20pm each day. During a typical week (Monday to Friday) children are in school for a total of 32.50 hours each week. 

Absence Procedure

If your child is absent for any reason, it is important that you make contact with the office either by telephone or via the MyEd app by 8.30am - giving reasons for absence.

If your child is not in school for registration for 8.50am and we have not heard from you, the office staff will contact you. If we are unable to reach you we will attempt to contact the additional contacts that you have provided. If we are still unable to make contact with you, a home visit may be carried out.


The Academy gates open at 8.40am and we expect all learners to be in class at the start of the school day at 8.50am, registers are marked at this time.

The Academy has a strategy to support punctuality which is known as ‘Late Gate’. Parents/carers are required to provide an explanation for any late attendance. Persistent lateness may result in parents/carers being contacted by one of the Trust Education Welfare Officers.

Persistent Absence

A Persistent Absentee is any student whose attendance falls below 90% as stated within government guidelines.

Persistent absence has a detrimental effect on pupils, as work missed is not often fully completed- leaving such pupils at a disadvantage to their peers.

Pupils with poor attendance are less likely to achieve their academic potential and may find they suffer socially. We have a responsibility to ensure that pupils are given all the opportunities to both succeed both academically, socially and for their future life choices, hence the academy having a designated Attendance Team to support pupils and families where there are concerns regarding a student's attendance.

Leave of Absence and Holidays

The DFE emphasises that term-time holiday should be avoided. Absence during this time can significantly impact your child’s education. We kindly request that you plan holidays during breaks to minimise disruption in learning. Any such absences will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

If you believe there are exceptional circumstances that require a term-time holiday or leave of absence, please submit a written request to the academy as soon as possible and an appropriate meeting or discussion will take place. We will assess each case individually and provide guidance accordingly. However, if we determine that the circumstances do not qualify as exceptional, we will notify you in writing, indicating that you may be subject to a penalty notice issued by the local authority, which could result in legal action.

What to do if your child has an appointment:

We request that all routine medical, dental or other appointments, where possible, are made outside of school time. Where an urgent doctor's or hospital appointment is required  during school hours, we request that you provide medical evidence in the form of an appointment card or letter in order to authorise the absence from school. We ask where possible that parents/carers ensure that your child attends school before and after the appointment to maximise their learning opportunities for that day.


If your child is prescribed medicine by the doctor, then the following rules apply:

  • Medicine prescribed three times per day WILL NOT be given by staff. Parents can give the prescribed dosage morning, after school and bedtime.
  • Medicine prescribed four times per day WILL be given by a member of the administration staff, but parents will need to complete and sign a form giving permission for this to happen.

For safety reasons, no children should be bringing medicines or tablets to school in their school bag.  Any medicine brought into school, must be given  to staff in the Front Office, where it will be securely stored.  Generally, we would expect a child to have no more than 48 hours off school if they are given medication from the doctor unless necessary.

Support for Attendance

The academy monitors the attendance and punctuality of each individual pupils closely daily and follows up all absence which is unexplained with parents/carers as soon as possible by telephone, written communication and/or home visits. If a pupil’s attendance becomes a concern to us, then contact will be made with parents/carers to discuss this further and support put in place where needed.  Working together to support your child is key in order to ensure that they are achieving their academic potential and to support their well-being.

If you would like to discuss any concerns that you have around your child’s attendance or are aware of any issues which may impact your child’s attendance, please contact the Attendance Team directly on 01205 319900 to discuss what support can be offered.


Celebrating and positively rewarding pupils for good attendance is a part of academy culture. This takes place during form time and year group assemblies as well as celebration assemblies throughout the year.

Pupils attendance is a focus of form time each day, discussions are had around good attendance habits and pupils are celebrated for their good attendance and punctuality.

We recognise 100% attendance as being a huge achievement and one that needs significant reward and celebration! The 100% attendance awards are rewards for those pupils who show resilience and excellent attitudes to school.

Attendance Policy

Attendance Procedure

Attendance - Understanding New Rules September 2024

School Attendance Letter - Updated 21st November 2024

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that your child’s education remains a priority. If you have any questions, or you would like any support with the attendance of your child, feel free to contact the academy Attendance Champion or Headteacher.

The academy Attendance Champion is Mrs Devine. 

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW